Acne Scar Treatment by Erbium Fiber Laser in Jaipur

Acne Treatment in Jaipur
When Erbium Fiber Laser Treatment refines your skin quality, say goodbye to scars
Erbium Fiber Laser is one of the most stable scar removal techniques which is less painful. The non-ablative fractional Erbium Fibre Laser uses a wavelength that does not cause the water in the tissue to evaporate (ablate) but rather the laser energy warms the tissue in a controlled manner. The rise in temperature encourages neocollagenesis, a process in which new collagen is created by the body. Collagen is a fibrous protein which gives the skin its elasticity and suppleness. By producing new collagen, the skin regains its youthful appearance.
Before starting the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the face for half an hour. Once the face is anaesthetised, the duration of procedure depends upon the number of scars. The advanced technology offers deeper dermal laser penetration and is delivered by laser pulses in fractional patterns. The laser vaporizes small columns of tissue on the skin’s surface, encouraging the body’s natural skin cell and collagen regenerative responses. Visit Skinaa Clinic, the best clinic in Jaipur for Acne Scar Treatment by Erbium Fiber Laser.

Some More Info About Erbium Fiber Laser
Erbium fiber laser is a proven treatment for acne scar. The energy emitted from Erbium fiber laser promotes the regeneration of collagen in skin. Collagen is a protein that is found in skin and other tissues in our bodies. It works as the main componant of connective tissue.
When the collagen is boosted through the laser, the skin becomes more firm, smoother, and healthy. Usually one or two weeks are needed for the patient to experience better results. It works by sending energy beneath the skin to the water present in the skin. As a results, new collagen in skin is formed.

Less Time-Consuming
An excellent alternative to surgical methods, it is a quick procedure.

It treats the underlying condition without harming the skin’s surface.

Less Painful
The device’s energy is dispersed to prevent overheating.

It can be combined with fillers to provide more effective treatments.
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FAQs (Acne Scars Treatment by Erbium Fiber Laser)
How to Prevent Acne from Happening?
It’s important to wash your face on a regular basis to prevent acne problem from occuring to some extent. While washing your face, it’s better to use warm water and cleanse afterwards with a soft clothes.
Should i Moisturize my Skin?
If you have a dry skin, then moisturization is important. However, pick a moisturizer that contains less chemicals and is very mild on your skin. Ask our dermatologist to suggest a moisturizer according to your skin type.
Can I Cure My Acne or Acne Scars with Over-the-Counter Medicines?
We strongly do not recommend this. As a patient, you don’t know the side effects of those OTC medicines. It’s better to get checked up with a dermatologist and follow their prescription very strictly.
See the Improvement in Our Patients After Treatment
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their conditions were significantly improved.

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