Dark Circles - Know About Disease, Treatments, & Cost in Pratap Nagar at Skinaa Clinic

So Far, We Have Successfully Treated 1900+ Dark Circle Patients at Skinaa Clinic in Pratap Nagar

Best Treatment for Dark Circles in Pratap Nagar at Skinaa Clinic

In India and all countries in the world, the problem of dark circles has become very common. Both men and women of all ages seem to get affected by it. Excessive screen time, lack of sleep and rest, stress, genetic predispositions, and several other reasons cause the ‘baggy lower eyelids’ & dark circles which makes one older and unattractive than one actually is. Straining of eyes, certain allergies, dehydration, overexposure to the sun rays, and lack of a properly nutritious diet are other important reasons behind the hyperpigmented area under the eyes. Getting rid of dark circles with the help of home remedies isn’t easy. Thankfully, there has been some advanced medical treatment for dark circles in Pratap Nagar in recent studies.

At Skinaa Clinic in Pratap Nagar, we offer the most advanced and highly-effective treatment for dark circles like – Laser Treatment for Dark Circles, Chemical peel, and micro-pigmentation.


What Treatments for Dark Circles are Offered at Skinaa?

• Laser Therapy for Dark Circles
• Micro-Pigmentation Treatment
• Chemical Peel to Remove Dark Circles
• Fillers

What Lifestyle Changes Will Be Helpful Along with the Medical Treatment?

• Having a Proper Time
• Reduced Screen Time
• Drinking Plenty of Water
• Eating Lots of Fruits, Veggies, and Salads
• Practising Meditation & Yoga to Reduce Stress

How Can I Remove My Dark Circles?

Your sleep routine holds the most significance when it comes to lessening the dark circle problem. A long, uninterrupted, and quality sleep is very important to help to give your eye muscles time to rejuvenate. Moreover, the more caffeine you avoid, the better results you will get. A good morning walk, less stress, and very less screen time aids in healing your eye muscles.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

While the most common reasons for dark circles are a huge amount of screen time, lack of sleep, stress, overloading oneself with office work and drinking high amounts of caffeine, only a few people know that vitamin deficiency and liver malfunction are also the reasons for dark circles.

What Is Best Treatment For Dark Circles in Pratap Nagar Under The Eyes?

Dark circles under one’s eyes are a matter of concern. They not only make one look highly tired but they add a negative appeal to your appearance as well. While people take a number of home remedies to tackle the problem of dark circles, the best medical treatments for it can range from chemical peeling to carbon laser, to various other laser treatments.

Dark Circles Treatment Options by Skinaa Clinic in Pratap Nagar

Laser Treatment for Dark Circles in Pratap Nagar

Dark circles emerge when some of our skin cells are dead or damaged due to the reasons given above. The laser treatments we offer for dark circle removal heat up the damaged cells to go vaporized. As a result, the number of damaged cells reduces significantly and this whole process boost the growth of collagen in the skin.

Chemical Peel for Dark Circles in Pratap Nagar

A chemical peel usually contains retinoic acid, hydroquinone, or glycolic acid. When the chemical peel applied on the face and around the eyes, it targets the dark pigmented cells under the skin and lightens it. There’s another chemical peel that combines acids likes salicylic, resorcinol, or lactic which is also considered a great option with better results.

Dermal Fillers Treatment fo Dark Circles in Pratap Nagar

Dermal filler is another advanced technique to reduce the black circles under the eyes that are being offered at Skinaa Clinic Pratap Nagar. In this method of dark circle removal, Juvederm or Restylane fillers are applied to lessen the volume under the eyes so the dark circles’ growth can be diminished.

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